Saturday, September 02, 2006

Dobson to Hold Anti-Gay Rally In Nashville

Three weeks before Tennesseans go to the polls to vote on a gay marriage Amendment, James Dobson will hold an anti gay rally in downtown Nashville.

Focus on the Family will also hold homophobic rallies in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on September 20 and St. Paul, Minnesota on October 3.

These will be serious get-out-the-religious-right-vote rallies. The Nashville rally will feature fanatical fundamentalist bigots -- James Dobson, Tony Perkins, Richard Land, Ken Hutcherson and Gary Bauer.

Will state legislators attend the Rally of Bigots?

The rally is dubbed the STAND FOR THE FAMILY 2006 RALLY and will be held on Monday, Oct. 16, 6:30pm, at the Municipal Auditorium in downtown Nashville. Tickets are $7 via Ticketmaster.

I'm torn between buying a ticket and blogging about the raving lunatics -- or getting the hell out of town that week.

This month, the Christians will also converge on D.C. to hold a national rally, starring bigots -- Ann Coulter, Albert Gonzales, and Sean Hannity. It's a wonder Bush hasn't managed to appoint this trio of bigots to the Supreme Court. But he does have 2 more years. The Family Research Council will host the Rally of Bigots, aka the Values Voters Summit in Washington, D.C., on September 22-24.

via Eleventh Avenue South

For more info on the Tennessee gay marriage amendment, see Vote NO on 1.

Previous related post: Anti-Gay October Surprise - Dr. Dobson Coming to Town