Rolling Stone reports on the mounting suspicion that Rove is playing with our minds again, or invoking fear as the number one vote getting strategy. Once again, it appears we have busted people for talking. I know I yawned throughout the last very long cable news terrorist bust extravaganza. I can hardly wait for the next one.
As Bush's brain reasons, if gay marriage doesn't terrify you into voting for the Daddy Party, then terrorism sure as hell will.
Rolling Stone:
UPDATE: Tunnel of Terror
New information has come to light on the curious timing of yesterday’s leak of the Holland Tunnel/PATH Train terror plot, and credible intelligence sources are casting doubt on the seriousness of the threat.
Begging the question, ‘Why did we just hear about this yesterday?’, ABC’s blog, The Blotter reports that the alleged ringleader Assem Hammoud, a.k.a. Amir Andalousi, has been in captivity for nearly three months:
Lebanese officials arrested him in April at the request of the FBI. Meanwhile, although the assistant director of the FBI insists that this plot was “the real deal,” CBS’s blog, The Public Eye, is skeptical:
Frightening? Sure. “Serious?” Well, the jury is still out. The “largely aspirational” plot never went beyond e-mails, there was no credible link to Al Qaeda, and there was no specific mention of the Holland Tunnel, just the mass transit system more generally; additionally, sources say “no one in the United States ever took part in the Internet conversations and…no one ever purchased any explosives or scouted the transit system.”
This backs up solid reporting by Raw Story’s Larisa Alexandrovna . . .
Read the whole thing. . .
Rove Holland Tunnel Bush News Politics 2006 Terrorism