Saturday, June 03, 2006

Bush To Tackle Dire Problem of Gay Marriage

You know an election is approaching when Bushie starts talking about the evils of same-sex marriage. An election is approaching, so George W. Bushie will talk about the evils of gay marriage in his radio address today.

Does anyone listen to that?

Just like a good soulless puppet, Billie Frist plans to dust off the Hate Amendment on Monday. The Senators will debate the serious problem of same-sex marriage and make fools of themselves. It's always sickening to watch 'our leaders' compete for the votes of bigots. The vote is expected to be held on Tuesday or Wednesday.

What will Hillary Rodham Clinton say?

The so-called Marriage Protection Amendment would define marriage as a union of one woman and one man, and it would "prevent courts from requiring that states allow civil unions."

The Hate Amendment is expected to be every bit as successful as Bushie's Social Security reform. No one believes the so-called Marriage Protection Amendment will pass. But that's not the point, is it?

The radical conservative base needs some attention, else they might not show up at the polls, so what's a low-life panderer to do?

Even ultra radical conservatives, like Tony Perkins, have begun to notice that Bushie and his puppet Billie Frist always forget all about same-sex marriage just as soon as the polls close.

On Monday, the Decider will make an uninspiring speech on the dire problem of gay marriage. Expect to see Bushie encircled by some seriously disturbed religious fanatics.

And the critical issue of flag burning looms on the horizon.

A little break from the massacres in Iraq, the Iranian crisis, the out-of-control deficit, global warming, the sinking city of New Orleans, rising gas prices, the coming hurricane season, the War on Terror, and the search for Osama bin Laden, if you will.

And somewhere, Osama bin Laden is laughing.

Bushie, you are one heckuva very bad pResident.