Sixteen Pro Gay Marriage Billboards Will Go Up In Nashville, Tennessee - In the Month of June - And We Hope They Put One Up on Billie Frist's Street!

Thank you Soulforce! Nashville is our town, and Nashville is a great place to display this billboard. Not only is our homeboy, the catkilling Dr. Frist, re-introducing the Hate Amendment this week, but the state of Tennessee will have its very own Hate Amendment on the ballot this November. See the Tennessee Equality Project for more on the project of defeating the Tennessee Hate Amendment 1.
Here's the full quote from Coretta Scott King (see our cool shirt that features a portion of this quote):
"Gay and lesbian people have families, and their families should have legal protections, whether by marriage or civil union. A constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriages is a form of gay bashing, and it would do nothing at all to protect traditional marriages." --Coretta Scott King
Update: Protest the Hate Amendment Outside Frist's Nashville Office
For more on the battle in the states and the Tennessee Hate Amendment, aka Amendment 1, see this TGW post: Who's Missing in Action in the Gay Marriage War?
Frist Gay Politics Amendment 1 Same-sex Marriage Homophobia Gay Marriage Coretta Scott King Hate Amendment Nashville Tennessee 2008 2006 Election