Friday, June 30, 2006

Al Gore: Quote of the Day

"Bush is insulated -- his staff smiles a lot and only gives him the news that he wants to hear. Unfortunately, they still have this delusion that they create their own reality."
--Al Gore, July 13-27, 2006,
issue of the ROLLING STONE (via)

Also from the Rolling Stone article titled, Gore 3.0:

It's not unreasonable to hope that Gore runs, but the dream of a Gore candidacy also underscores the pathetic core of today's Democratic Party: It has become so unusual to hear a mainstream Democratic politician speak from a sense of conviction that when one does, people practically start begging him to run.

The only thing wrong with this assessment is the qualifier: "practically."

Actually, we are flat out begging.

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More on beseeching Gore

Al Gore: 'I Wish Bush Would See the Movie' (Daily Show Video)