Al Gore Raises Money for Democrats Who Support Fight Against Global Warming
The Washington Post reports that when it comes to raising money for Democrats, Al Gore has the midas touch.
"He is the most successful signature on an e-mail that we have ever had," said DCCC Chairman Rahm Emanuel (Ill.). Emanuel added that Gore, who many think still has presidential ambitions, has agreed to campaign for House candidates this fall as long as they favor measures to curtail global warming, long his pet issue.
Harold Ford Is A Democrat?!?!?
In the same story the paper reports that Harold Ford is behaving strange, or as the Memphis Flyer observes, Ford "Almost Sounds Like a ... gasp, DEMOCRAT!"Tennessee Rep. Harold E. Ford Jr. is betting that voters' discontent with rising prices at the gas pump will translate into a desire for change at the ballot box this fall.
Ford, the lone Democrat running for the seat of retiring Sen. Bill Frist (R), plans to launch television and radio ads Monday attacking the oil companies for getting rich off of the average American family. In the television commercials, Ford is shown pumping gas at an Exxon station while detailing the $100 billion in profits "Big Oil" made in 2005, and the $400 million retirement package for former Exxon Mobil chairman Lee Raymond that "you and I paid for."
Ford goes on to propose an elimination of tax breaks for oil companies and an investment in alternative fuel technology while also making an appeal for change. "If you're fed up every time you fill up, send a new generation to the Senate," he says.
I'm sure we can expect Ford to sound more and more like a Democrat as the tide turns and democratic principles are once again popular. But only last week Ford was sounding like his usual rightwinger self when he endorsed the senate resolution calling for Americans to do all their important singing in English. Since Ford is losing his bid for Frist's seat (Ford Trails All Rivals) while running as a DINO, maybe he will consider running as an actual Democrat for a change.
Bush Administration is Over
The WaPo also reports that The Decider's poll numbers are so very low and have been for so very long, that the Bush Administration is effectively "over."This is news?
Bush Tennessee Harold Ford Al Gore Global Warming 2008 President Gore Gore Democrats Environment 2006