Update #2: Save the Court will send your faxes for you, free and easy. Oh, and Senator Biden now says he supports the filibuster.
UPDATE: A week ago Durbin said he had 38 votes for a filibuster, and "this morning,
Senators Joe Biden (D-DE) and Barack Obama (D-IL) announced they are voting No on cloture."
Bob Fertik over at Democrats.com says, the senators are 'freaking out' cause they're getting so many calls for a filibuster. They've "turned off their DC phones and their voicemails are full."
Fertik provides this page of local phone and fax numbers. Tell them to either support a filibuster or stay away from the senate on Monday!
Fertik has lots more including a Democratic Traitor Watch and a Waffler Watch. Know your traitors and wafflers.
Raw Story reports that, as of late Saturday night, 13 Democratic Senators have officially signed on to the filibuster. That includes centrist Hillary Clinton!
Gee, it seems like only yesterday, there was one.
The intensity of the internet response on this has been beyond belief," georgia10 told RAW STORY in an email. "Constituents have raised so much support for the filibuster--Senators' mailboxes are full, inboxes are overflowing, fax machines are running out of paper, and phone lines are ringing off the hook. Considering each internet activist represents not only their own concerns, but the concerns of millions of Americans, the support for a filibuster is astounding."
All weekend long, bloggers called the Young Turks have been 'filibustering' on a 24-hour video feed as they implore their viewers to call their Senators and tell them to take action.
[D]espite what a few polls have shown, Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas insists that it's not just liberal Democrats backing the effort.
"This is probably the most united I've ever seen the Democratic establishment, that is, Democrats without offices in the U.S. Senate. Even the DLC is calling for a filibuster. Center, left, right -- all corners of the party agree," Kos blogged on Saturday.
Can you believe it? We might actually see some fighting Dems. Yeah, I'm not holding my breath, but I am making the calls.
Kevin at Lean Left has free fax numbers and the DC numbers, which will, presumably, be working again Monday morning.
The toll free numbers to Congress' switchboard - 888-355-3588 or 888-818-6641.
Filibuster Alito Alito Scalito Supreme Court Roe Bush Reproductive Rights Roe v. Wade Pro Choice Filibuster