Saturday, September 17, 2005

The Politics of Provocative Posts

It's a light blogging weekend for me, but here are some of my favorite reads for the week from some outstanding bloggers. From abortion rights to the meaninglessness of the U.S. Constitution to the similarities between femininity and death, as I think you can see from the blurbs I've pasted in, they are rather provocative reads.

Retraining the Eye: Women as depicted in fashion magazines
Some of the hallmarks of death are also ideal qualities of femininity: bodily weakness and inertia, passivity connected with femininity, and the paleness of an extremely blond (her hair is not just blond, it is extremely blond; her skin is not simply Caucasian, it is at the high end of "whiteness").

The Meaningless Constitution and Constitution Day
Warmongers, who allege liberal jurists deviate from original intent, or a strict construction of the Constitution, have no qualms in essentially rendering the Constitution meaningless when they approve wars in a manner never intended by the Founders and that expressly violate the Constitution.

Hurricane Needs New Theme Song
H. sapiens got one shot. We blew it.
The cosmos, of course, doesn't give a fig, but I have one regret about the impending extinction of our species, and it is this: that it'll probably take out the dogs, too.

Why Abortion should be Free
In an ideal world, pregnancy would be a gift and we'd have adequate support available for those willing to raise the next generation, but it isn't and we don't.

But then again, what the fuck do vagina-owners know about vaginas?
There is absolutely nothing like bitches getting out of line to piss people off. Because I have an evil heart much like Ted Rall's, though I am way less interested in impressing you with my cynicism, I enjoy being a bitch out of line just so I can lay back and watch the pissing contest.

A Reality Check on Bush's Speech to the UN World Summit
As the world's biggest arms exporter, the US has clearly taken the side of violence. On Bush's watch, US arms sales have outpaced the second-largest arms dealer (Russia) two-to-one. More than half of these weapons went to governments known for human rights abuses against civilians, such as Pakistan, Uzbekistan, and Colombia. (via Feministing )

the unbearable suckiness of being
What to say about America? Wal-mart mouth-breathers ascendant! Freedom in the toilet and about to be flushed! The end of the Enlightenment, ignorance and superstition triumphant!