Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Law & Order TV DA & Ex TN Senator To Aid Bush in Supreme Court Battle

The AP reports that District Attorney Arthur Branch on Law & Order, or the former Senator from Tennessee, Fred Thompson has been named by Bush as a player in the Supreme Court nominee confirmation process.

In Republican newspeak, Thompson will serve as a "shepherd" who will guide the nominee through the senate confirmation process.

Yeah, right. Bush may not be able to speak in complete sentences, but his behind-the-scenes- string-pullers are this era's Masters of Newspeak. We presume the Gentle Rove is behind the selection of Shepherd Thompson.

For the latest on the Supreme Court War, we'll all be tuning in to Law & Order, or as Pamela at Light up the Darkness says, "we should be looking for the new spin-off series from Law & Order producers soon, Supreme Court, The Reality Show. . "

I'll be tuning in to the episode in which Gentle Rove models handcuffs and leg shackles as he's dragged away to his new posh maximum security home.

Hat tip to Light up the Darkness