Monday, March 21, 2005

Rethugs Hold Congressional 'Hypocrisy of Life' Drama at Midnight: CNN Asks No Embarrassing Questions

I watched the Congressional 'Culture of Life' circus tonight. CNN cast it as the 'Save Terry Schiavo from Starvation' show. There was much made about the fact that Bush cut his vacation short in order to rush to town to sign the 'Save Terry' law. With this emergency legislation, Republicans will force the Schiavo case into federal court. If they get their wish, the judge will order the feeding tube reinserted into Terry. This will be the third reinsertion!

When I get old and sick, I sure hope Congress will come to my aid with an emergency law mandating medical marijuana. Or, how about they come to the aid of the 330,000 Tennesseans about to be without healthcare (one at a time, please)?

CNN didn't say a word about the Texas Futile Care Bill, signed into law by Bush himself during his years as Texas Governor. Nor did CNN say anything about the recent victim of the Bush law, a Texas baby who just had life support withdrawn - against his mother's wishes - due to inability to pay.

The hypocrisy never quits. Armando at Daily Kos has the grim details.

"By now most people who read liberal blogs are aware that George W. Bush signed a law in Texas that expressly gave hospitals the right to remove life support if the patient could not pay and there was no hope of revival, regardless of the patient's family's wishes. It is called the Texas Futile Care Law. Under this law, a baby was removed from life support against his mother's wishes in Texas just this week. . .

Those of us who read liberal blogs also understand that that the tort reform that is being contemplated by the Republican congress would preclude malpractice claims like that which has paid for Terry Schiavo's care thus far."

There's more

Here's the story about the baby who was not worthy of being saved by Congress.

According to the hospital's lawyer, "This isn't murder. It's mercy, and it's appropriate to be merciful in that way. It's not killing, it's stopping pointless treatment."

"The hospital's description of Sun — that he was motionless and sedated for comfort — has differed sharply from the mother's. Since February, the hospital has blocked the media from Hudson's invitation to see the baby, citing privacy concerns.

'I wanted y'all to see my son for yourself,' [the mother] told reporters. 'So you could see he was actually moving around. He was conscious.'"

There's yet more that CNN didn't mention. Randall Terry, the extremist anti-abortion leader is involved; he escorted Terry's mom to a press conference earlier today and more.

CNN missed so damn much of the story, kind of makes you wonder if this midnight drama was just another government produced video.