Boston Globe: Light snow has not discouraged heavy traffic at polling places. In Boston, nearly 82,000 people, or about 23 percent of registered voters, had cast ballots by 3 p.m., a pace that is well more than double that during the primary last month. Other cities and towns experienced similar waves of voters. Lines formed at a polling place in Somerville, and traffic backed up at Bates Elementary School in Wellesley, with cars spilling onto Elmwood Road. In two Quincy precincts at the Lodge of Elks, nearly 1,000 people -- or about 25 percent of voters -- cast ballots by 1 p.m.
BOSTON (WBZ): In the late Sen. Ted Kennedy's district in Barnstable, they're estimating a 60-percent turnout by the end of the day. A line of cars stretched for nearly a half-mile from the gymnasium at North Andover High School. Some drivers turned around in exasperation. Weather hasn't stopped people from voting.

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