Monday, April 06, 2009

Stupid Schick Quattro Ad Tells Women to Trim the Bush (Video)

'Tasteless' is putting it politely. Or as they say over at Jezebel: "[W]hy can't we just have a product for women that isn't advertised beneath a layer of happy bird singing, tulip sprouting, pastel-wearing, Stepford bullshit?"

Jezebel: Whereas male razor commercials are all about power and speed and performance, these commercials send a cheeky little message to women everywhere: you can totally use this to shave your pubic area. But instead of just saying, "Works great on your bikini line," or some such, the folks at Schick Quattro have taken another approach, developing a sing-songy jingle that involves women dancing in front of bushes, holding hairless cats, and warbling lyrics like, "Feeling rough around the edges? It's time to trim the hedges!"

Via Shakesville: "Trim Your Bush, Bitchez."