Just when you thought the hysterical cable and internet chatter about President Obama having the nerve to shake hands with a world leader (!) was finally subsiding, here comes Dick Cheney.
Echoing the sentiment of right-wingers everywhere, Dick Cheney warns us that shaking hands is a terrible and awful sign of weakness!
Obama shook hands with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, therefore Obama is a sissy, and all our enemies will now perceive Obama to be a "weak president," grumbles pro-torture Dick. President Obama should totally follow the Bush and Cheney grown-up model of giving world leaders the silent treatment.
No wonder the men prefer to keep women out of politics. Otherwise, their mamas might make the testy doods behave. Speaking of the search for maturity in America, how do you like the cover of the forthcoming Washingtonian, featuring your topless President? The ABC News boyz dub it: President Beefcake.
Absurd Politics Obama Shakes Hands Chavez He-Man News