Friday, April 17, 2009

Burger King Ad Harms Children (Video)

For all those who doubt that clueless adolescent males are in charge of everything, here's Burger King with an ad campaign destined to erase all doubt. This is one sick and excessively capitalistic culture. Burger King aspires to destroy the innocence of children -- for 99 cents. . . . "because nothing sells fast food to children better than provocatively-dressed women shaking their asses to a remix of Sir-Mix-a-lot’s “Baby Got Back” — the same song once judged by MTV to be too sexual for prime-time television."

Burger King to Children: Booty is Booty

Send a letter - Tell Nickelodeon and Burger King: SpongeBob and Sexualization Don't Mix.

New Agenda: ACTION ALERT: Sponge Bob Likes Big Square Booty?
Sun-Times: NEW LOW' | Burger chain's commercial featuring shaking rumps is too much for some parents - The ad shows the Burger King dancing with women wearing rectangular pants. He even measures their bottoms. The music by Sir Mix-A-Lot includes the lyric "booty is booty."
Marketing Daily: Burger King SpongeBob Ad Too Sexual?