Ann Coulter's scheduled appearance on NBC was abruptly canceled yesterday. The noble and honorable Drudge claims that an NBC lackey told him that's because Coulter's banned for life. (Another anonymous lackey allegedly told Drudge that's not true.)
"We are just not going to have her on any more, it's over," a top network source explains.
Banned for life from NBC? What could possibly cause such a thing? When Coulter said the world would be a better place if Jews were not in it, greedy NBC welcomed her with open money-grubbing arms.
When Coulter said America would be a better place if women didn't have the right to vote, NBC giggled like a star-struck misogynist and raked in the money while oohing and fawning over the self-loathing woman. But then we know what NBC thinks of women.
So what's so bad about Coulter's new book? Could it be that Ann Coulter has criticized the Precious? Why, of course she has. She even calls him “B. Hussein Obama,” which in these adolescent Obama-adulation times smacks of high treason!
"We are just not interested in anyone so highly critical of President-elect Obama, right now," a TODAY insider reveals. "It's such a downer. It's just not the time, and it's not what our audience wants, either." . . NBC's cable outlet, MSNBC, will also become a Coulter-free zone, insiders explain. Morning host Joe Scarborough is said to be concerned with the new ban. "He's working to overrule it," tips a source.
I want to say that Drudge must be getting a kickback from Coulter's book sales, because the publicity she's getting from this story is the best thing that could ever happen to a mindless always factually erroneous Ann Coulter rant. I want to say this is so obviously a phony ban, and NBC is obviously stoking the high ratings fire, and we should look for Coulter to appear soon on NBC and MSNBC too.
But since we're talking about NBC, hell, maybe she is banned. Maybe NBC's adolescent Obama-adulation actually trumps NBC's greed for high ratings. More likely, NBC has invested heavily in some Historic Barack Obama Collector Commemorative Plates! After all, they go so nicely with NBC's commemorative DVD: 'Yes We Can: The Barack Obama Story' -- as seen on NBC Nightly News!!
At any rate, NBC offers a stunningly lame excuse:
Late today, NBC News denied the story with this statement: “We’ve had Ann Coulter on ‘Today’ many times, but because of the news in Washington and the Middle East, we decided to cancel her appearance tomorrow. Understanding the media as well as she does, we are sure she knows this happens from time to time. We look forward to welcoming her back in the future.”…
The Drudge story says NBC “replaced Coulter with showbiz reporter Perez Hilton,” who also has a book being released tomorrow. NBC tells TVNewser Hilton is just appearing in the fourth hour and had been booked far in advance.
Media Matters: Guilty: Coulter's latest book filled with falsehoods
via memeorandum
NBC Politics Barack Obama Adulation Ann Coulter News Media Greed Misogyny Gender Feminist