Monday, July 28, 2008

Father’s Rights: The Movie (Video)

This is one scary father (see video below). . . why can't he be like these fathers in Germany? It must be his screaming wife's fault. Seriously, if the U.S. was a social democracy with the same kind of supportive family policies found in all the other industrialized nations, we'd have far fewer divorces and far more healthy and happy families. That would translate to all kinds of benefits such as fewer angry violent men and fewer school shootings. It would sure put a dent in the U.S.'s shameful status of Number One in child poverty among the industrialized nations.

Keeping women out of power is the surest way to ensure that the U.S. does not evolve into a social democracy. If this father had enjoyed the citizen benefit of paid paternity leave so common in the social democracies, I seriously doubt he'd be screaming or even divorced.

Once again, the U.S. is one of only 5 (five!!) countries in the whole wide world that does not have some form of mandated paid family leave. In Sweden, the needs of newborns and their families are acknowledged with the policy of 16 months (480 days) of paid maternity/paternity leave to be split between the mother and father. Now that's fathers' rights!

via Feministe