MoveOn is calling on its members to demand that Obama keep his word. After famously endorsing Barack Obama in the Democratic primary, the lefty organization is now angry or "clearly not happy" with Obama's "decision to support the new FISA bill that includes lawsuit-immunity for the telecom companies."
MoveOn is far from the only angry party:
As he morphs from St. Obama of the Primaries to Village Barack of the General, Obama is quickly abandoning the liberal savior guise that got him from point A to point B. . . On the FISA move, blogger Digby stated, "I am tempted to say this is a Sistah Soljah [sic] moment, wherein Barack makes it clear to the Villagers that he is not one of the DFHs [Dirty Fucking Hippies], despite all their ardent support. Nothing is more associated with us than this issue. . He's also taken some pretty hard hits on FISA from progressive blogs like Glenn Greenwald's and Talking Points Memo, the latter headlining, "Obama Backs Surveillance Cave." Atrios awarded Obama the coveted "Wanker of the Day" award.
In October of 2007, Barack Obama promised to filibuster retroactive immunity. At that time, Barack Obama did not support helping Bush break the law.
MyDD: MoveOn: Tell Obama To Filibuster FISA
New Politics News Barack Obama FISA Telecon Immunity