Riverdaughter's take on Rebecca Traister piece at Salon: "The biggest miss is that she assumes that Hillary lost."
Salon: Why Clinton voters say they won't support Obama: The attack of the PUMAs, or a dozen reasons why Clinton voters are still too angry to come home.
Update: I still haven't had time to read the piece, but from one of my all time favorite bloggers, Big Tent Dem, comes this choice bit which definitely gets it exactly right. Keith Olbermann is the one and only MSNBC misogynist whose show I absolutely refuse to watch. I can stomach Mathews, I can stomach Shuster, I can stomach a lot, but I cannot and will not suffer the likes of Keith Olbermann:
5. They are angry at the media's repeated denial of sexism, and they are angry at Keith Olbermann.
The first should be quite obvious. In a New York Times story last week, members of the media heartily denied that there was any sexism in the way that Clinton was discussed. This in the face of zillions of examples of gender-fueled language both explicit (comparisons of Clinton to a nagging spouse, to an ex-wife outside of probate court, to Lorena Bobbitt, to a sexless monster, to Glenn Close in "Fatal Attraction") and only slightly more subtle (the unabashed determination on the part of print and broadcast media to put her campaign down as early as possible, and the hyperactive joy they betrayed whenever that wish appeared to be coming true). To deny that this happened is foolish, and it doesn't make any of the eagle-eyed women who spotted Tucker Carlson crossing his legs in emasculated fear any less angry.

As for Olbermann, outrage at him has supplanted displeasure with Chris Matthews, perhaps because Matthews has been publicly excoriated for his bias, while Olbermann is still held up by many as a talking-head hero of the left. Of course, those surprised by Olbermann's clear distaste for Hillary Clinton, or the venom he directed at that nutsy Katie Couric, who meekly ventured that maybe there had been some media sexism during the race, obviously missed the time he once wondered on air if anyone had ever ejaculated on Paris Hilton's face. Olbermann's simultaneous tenacity on the side of good, coupled with his utter disinterest in gender equity, makes him emblematic of the unpleasant position in which Hillary-supporting feminists find themselves -- members of a progressive party that doesn't seem particularly interested in their progress.
Media Misogynist Keith Olbermann Hillary Clinton Sexist New Politics News Barack Obama "Progressives" Democratic Party Hillary Supporters Gender PUMA Feminist Backlash MSNBC