If you're weary of reading about how PUMAS and other angry Hillary supporters should just stop "whining" and "pouting" and "get over it" because there is no place to go in November except "home" to the spineless Democratic Party, you need to read this awesome statement from Pocochina. An excerpt follows, but you'll want to read all of it.
Pocochina at The Raging Prosecutrix:
I think that non-feminist Obama supporters, and particularly male non-feminist Obama supporters, have this idea that we are just irrationally angry, our feelings are hurt and we should get over it or we’re just silly, don’t we know how bad McCain is, maybe they’ll just tell us one more time. The choice not to support Obama is a long-run rational choice. Right now, there is a party that hates women all the time, and a party that used to humor us, but hates us when it is convenient. It is our job to never, ever let it be convenient again, or there will be no one in government advocating for our rights.
We are not your sweeties, who just need candy and flowers to come around.
We are not your bitches, that is not a leash in your hand. Our bodily integrity is not a choke chain you may use to threaten us. If you think it is, you are no better than the Republicans. And yes, the “But! But! But!” Roe stick is just that - a threat. Politically involved women know exactly where we stand on Roe, and we know the Democrats haven’t been all that bothered to even look like they’re trying to protect it, these last seven years. We know what an anti-choice Supreme Court looks like, because we read Gonzales v. Carhart and our hearts broke in fear for ourselves and our sisters and nieces and daughters.
When you tell us that we’d better get in line and vote for Obama, OR ELSE ROE, you are holding our own bodies hostage against us, as if they were yours to take. You are actively, proudly, literally threatening us with our lives. Is that the change we should believe in?
read more . . .
via Heart at Women's Space
Related: Amy Sullivan at Time: Will Pro-Choice Women Back McCain?
Feminist Backlash Misogyny Male Dominated Politics Feminist News Gender Hillary Clinton Barack Obama Sexism Democratic Party Roe v. Wade