Hillary Rodham Clinton kept her promise to her "honorary niece" Aleatha Williams and spoke at her high school graduation at Pelham Preparatory Academy in the Bronx.
The girl, Aleatha Williams, a campaign volunteer and the daughter of a supporter, introduced the senator to fellow graduates from Pelham Preparatory Academy in the Bronx as "my aunt." Clinton said she had known Aleatha "and her wonderful mother, Patricia," since the girl was 2 and had promised her when she graduated from eighth grade that she would attend her high school graduation.
Schools Chancellor Joel Klein, who attended the school's commencement ceremony at nearby Fordham University, said students should always remember that an American hero spoke at their graduation. "She changed America's view of women," Klein said. "Someday soon, very soon in America, we will have a woman as president. And you know what that woman will say? 'I would not be here had it not been for Hillary Rodham Clinton.'"
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