First Barack Obama broke the hearts of his netroots flock by ending the Fox News boycott. Then Barack rubbed their faces in it by throwing Lord Kos under the bus -- again.
Oh, and after Obama's campaign reassured the netroots that the Chosen One was only going to appear on Fox News for the express purpose of "tak[ing] Fox on," Barack, um, forgot to do that.
Instead, Barack Obama went on Fox News and distanced himself from the progressive netroots who love him so.
In other words, the Obama campaign deliberately lied to the progressive netroots. Does Barack Obama have any idea what the netroots have done, or become, for him? I don't think so.
Over at Open Left, Obama supporter Matt Stoller reminds us of the netroots we used to know:
It is very difficult to acknowledge that your candidate deals with you in bad faith, and so I understand the emotional inability of Obama's most ardent supporters to realize that is what happened. I am an Obama supporter, but I don't think he's particularly trustworthy. The issue at hand is that Obama's campaign simply gave out false information to Greg Sargent to placate bloggers. . .
If you don't like that Obama steps on you, speak out. Clinton at least has a reason to step on us since many of us have openly called her a Republican. It's a fight, and we didn't back her. Instead we back someone that openly lies to us and thinks nothing of it.
Graphic via Clyde's Place: Progressive Blogs Try to Disparage Hillary: End up stinking the blogosphere up themselves
Fox News Barack Obama Hillary Clinton Netroots Progressives Democratic Primary News Chris Wallace Fox Boycott Indiana North Carolina Politics