The Detroit News reports that Barack Obama continues to block all efforts to allow Michigan Democrats the right to vote in a new primary. The Obama camp is actually threatening lawsuits in order to stop Michigan Democrats from casting their votes.
Barack Obama does not support your right to vote Michigan because he knows you are not going to vote for him. And Barack Obama will do anything to win -- and that includes destroying the Democratic Party. Time is running out, and it's a damn shame. If Barack Obama gets his way and we lose in November because Michigan Democrats stay home, America really will be damned.
Detroit News: Despite a quick visit from Hillary Clinton to make the case and pressure from other top Democrats, supporters of Barack Obama appeared no closer Wednesday to accepting plans for a do-over Democratic primary.
Supporters of the June 3 revote -- including a four-member committee of top Michigan Democrats that hatched the plan -- held out hope that the state Legislature would act on a bill to hold the new primary. But with time running short, the Obama campaign, which has little to gain and much potential for loss in a new vote, piled on the legal objections, and it remained unclear Wednesday night whether the proposal would even get an up-or-down vote in the Legislature.
"Senator Obama speaks passionately on the campaign trail about empowering the American people," Clinton said. "Today I'm asking him to match those words with actions." Through its top attorney, the Obama campaign responded to Clinton's visit by raising a series of issues it said could invite lawsuits if a new primary went forward.
Update - Big Tent Democrat: Rules Are Rules, Except When They Are Not -- Obama Objects To DNC Rule In MI Revote Controversy - Now we know Barack Obama wants to avoid revotes in Michigan and Florida at all costs . . But it is interesting to see that he is now grasping at the EXISTING DNC rules as his excuse to object to the Michigan revote.
TAPPED: [H]aving prevented any new vote in Michigan, Obama's campaign may well have given up any moral claim to oppose seating of the delegates elected in January.
Hillary Clinton Michigan Barack Obama Democratic Primary News Revote Politics