In light of the Pastor Jeremiah Wright controversy, we now have yet another excellent reason to vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton. The same Republican ad creators who transformed war hero John Kerry into a sniveling and cowardly loser are now salivating over the prospect of Barack Obama as the Democratic nominee.
Send your thanks to Pastor Jeremiah Wright who has proved once and for all that the 'superior judgment' -- of which Senator Obama routinely boasts -- is nothing more than a superior helping of arrogance.
It is a testimony to the abject incompetence and laziness of our media that we have found this out so very late in the primary season. Roughly half the Democrats in this nation have spent the primary season crying out for the media to stop fawning over Barack Obama long enough to do their job and tell us who the hell Barack Obama is. What other Obama surprises are in store for us? And will we discover them late in October? Or will Barack Obama exercise genuine 'superior judgment' by dropping out of the race?
Here's a preview of what will be coming to your teevee should Senator Obama actually receive the nomination:
Video clip crafted by "co-founder and former producer of the Laura Ingraham Show, [Lee] Habeeb [who] is the director of strategic content at Salem Radio Network, the conservative talk radio powerhouse that airs programs hosted by figures such as Bill Bennett and Hugh Hewitt."
GOP sees Rev. Wright as pathway to victory: Now, with the emergence of the notorious video showing the Rev. Jeremiah Wright damning the country, criticizing Israel, faulting U.S. policy for the Sept. 11 attacks and generally lashing out against white America, GOP strategists believe they’ve finally found an antidote to Obamamania. [via ]
A Speech That Fell Short: The problem with Obama's argument is that Wright is not a symbol of the strengths and weaknesses of African Americans. He is a political extremist, holding views that are shocking to many Americans who wonder how any presidential candidate could be so closely associated with an adviser who refers to the "U.S. of KKK-A" and urges God to "damn" our country. . Barack Obama is not a man who hates -- but he chose to walk with a man who does.
Democrat Barack Obama's big national lead over Hillary Clinton has all but evaporated in the U.S. presidential race.
Rep. Murtha Endorses Hillary Pennsylvania Congressman John Murtha announces his endorsement of Hillary.
Hillary Clinton Pastor Jeremiah Wright Barack Obama Democratic Primary News Gender Race Media Politics Obama's Church Chicago Video