Now Chris Matthews really has a woman problem!
From my inbox: The National Women's Political Caucus is holding a rally today, January 17, 4:00pm outside of NBC News, 4001 Nebraska Ave NW (right off AU circle), Washington, D.C. 20016 to protest and object to Chris Matthews sexist comments and behavior on "Hardball" and as a commentator on MSNBC.
Because the mission of the Caucus is to do everything we can to elect women to public office, we feel it is extremely important to call out sexism and sexist behavior on national television. We deserve better from a national television network.
Expect other women's organizations to be there. When it comes to powerful women's political organizations, there is no place like D.C. Sara Robinson reports: "The presidents of Feminist Majority, NOW, The National Women's Political Caucus, and the Women's Media Center have teamed up to send a rather pointed letter to NBC president Steve Capus (the same guy, it turns out, who canned Imus just last April on similar grounds -- he's probably having deja vu all over again right now), which lays out the case that Matthews deserves nothing much more than the right to keep Imus company on the too-neanderthal-for-prime-time bench." Read the letter. .
If you can't get to the protest, be sure to click on the ad in the sidebar and tell MSNBC that IMUS needs some company!
Sexist Chris Matthews NBC News Protest Washington DC Gender Politics Hillary Clinton Feminist News Misogyny Politics