A few months back Andrew Sullivan creeped me out by referring to Hillary Clinton as "Cheney in a pantsuit." If I needed even more evidence that Sullivan is another one of those irrational Hillary haters, or yet another man who fears and loathes the very thought of a woman in charge, well, I've found it.
Ezra Klein points out that Sullivan's blog is a study in Hillary hatred:
I've never gotten the hatred. Which is why Andrew Sullivan's blog has been particularly fascinating this year. Read his liveblogging of last night's debate. Edwards never even makes an appearance. Obama, who Andrew is deeply committed to, hardly even qualifies as a walk-on character. Instead, it's Clinton. It's Clinton and Clinton and Clinton and Clinton. At 9:30 we learn that "Just like Bush, she cannot talk about her own weakness." At 9:50 she "manages to pivot the sub-prime mess to pander to blacks, Asians and Hispanics...Her tone is a little hectoring as well." At 10:57 we learn "You have to understand that she can tell lies almost as well as her husband."
This isn't, mind you, an article on Hillary Clinton. It's a debate analysis. And it's fascinating, because it's the real world thought processes of someone who genuinely loathes Hillary Clinton. Everything becomes evidence of personal cynicism and ambition. Nothing is a slip, or harmless, or just politics. Every word, gesture, and political feint is evidence of Shakespearian levels of cynicism and power-lust. And this belief in the Manichean size of her traits makes her the center of gravity. Her failures are so deep, her appetite for conquest so epic, that everything must revolve around her story.
Andrew Sullivan Nevada Obama President Hillary Clinton Gender Politics Feminist News Politics Misogyny Patriarchy Anxious Masculinity