Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Shocking Obama News

OMG, who let Obama out of kindergarten?

Obama's hand is not on his heart and that means that Obama is so not a patriot and so not qualified to be the prez!!!

Radical rightwingers have found him out!

Apparently, there is even a law. And it follows you from kindergarten to the grave. Gawd. Face it folks, Obama looks too much like a grown-up to ever be the prez of this infantile nation.

Silly Rightwing Quote of the Day:
"This video shows that during the entire anthem MOSLEM Obama has chosen NOT to put his hand over his heart. He is even moving around like some kid that can't wait for something to be over. Obama is a pos and has no respect for our Flag, our Amthem or our country." -- Presidential Wanna Be Obama Video ~ During Anthem

Rightwing fury:
Once again Obama shows how Patriotic he is
Obama the unpatriotic
Obama: No Hand on Heart for Pledge Either -- Will MSM Notice?

Photo Caption via Time: Respect -- Senator Barack Obama, Governor Bill Richardson, Senator Hillary Clinton and Ruth Harkin stand during the national anthem (In Iowa).