All eyes will be on Barack Obama tonight at the Democratic presidential debate on the campus of Drexel University in Philadelphia. Obama has finally responded to liberal criticism of his campaign by vowing that he will now go on the offensive, or begin to "confront Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton more directly and forcefully."
With characteristic nonchalance, the Hillary campaign responds:
"It’s unfortunate that Senators Obama and Edwards have decided to revive their campaigns by abandoning the politics of hope. But Senator Clinton isn’t doing anything out of the ordinary to get ready for this debate." via
There's also the very grim fact that Obama has had a rough week, and he has lost the support of many progressives. Yep, running a campaign that bashes gays in order to win votes from homophobes will lose progressive votes everytime!
See: The Audacity of Homophobia and Obama issues 3-page memo defending gay-basher spokesman, explaining that McClurkin has no problem with "happy" gays.
Democratic hopefuls sure to target Clinton
Hillary launches preemptive debate strike
Will He??? Or Won't He??? — Obama's Hamlet act continues.
Barack Obama Gay Hillary Democratic Politics Homophobia News Philadelphia Debate