White House -- or Cronyville -- Cover-up
How just like the Republicans to blame everything on a woman. The loyal work wife Harriet Miers gets the blame. But ABC News is reporting that "new unreleased emails from top administration officials" show that the White House has been caught lying again.
Apparently it was Karl Rove who came up with the idea of firing all 93 prosecutors! Rove was involved at an earlier date than the White House has admitted. The man has turned the entire nation into Texas. This is just one more chapter in the Rove plan to bring about a permanent Republican majority.
Prosecuting Democrats is one way to win elections! Like they say, All Roads Lead to Rove.
The news here folks is that there is proof.
And the emails catch Gonzales in more lies. The squirmy innocent-eyed Alberto Gonzales -- who has repeatedly said that he knows nothing about anything -- "discussed the idea of firing the attorneys en masse weeks before he was confirmed as attorney general."
In a scathing assessment of the talents of Gonzales, Andrew Cohen says: "Gonzales is to the Justice Department and to the Constitution what former FEMA chief Michael Brown was to New Orleans in the wake of Hurricane Katrina."
Our Democratic Congress is not going to like any of this. Heads are going to roll, and it's about freakin' time.
[Please click on the ad in the sidebar and tell Congress to fire Gonzales and make mincemeat of Rove!]
The e-mails directly contradict White House assertions that the notion originated with recently departed White House counsel Harriet Miers, and was her idea alone.
Two independent sources in a position to know have described the contents of the e-mail exchange, which could be released as early as Friday. They put Rove at the epicenter of the imbroglio and raise questions about Gonzales' explanations of the matter.
Karl Rove Attorneygate Alberto Gonzales Harriet Miers The Purge News Politics Republican Liars Bush Fire Gonzales