Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Tennessee InstaPundit Blogger Calls for Murder of Scientists and Religious Leaders

University of Tennessee Law Professor and rightwing blogger Glenn Reynolds is a lot more extremist than I had him pegged for. Or maybe there's just something really funny in that Viagra.

The Instapundit guy is actually calling for the U.S. to murder Iranian scientists and religious leaders.

Move over Jerry Falwell.

I'm guessing Reynolds is, uhm, aiming for a job in the Bush Administration?

Neocon U.S. Foreign Policy -- Roaming the Earth Killing Anyone who Gets in Our Way:

Glenn Reynolds: "This has been obvious for a long time anyway, and I don't understand why the Bush Administration has been so slow to respond. Nor do I think that high-profile diplomacy is an appropriate response. We should be responding quietly, killing radical mullahs and iranian atomic scientists, supporting the simmering insurgencies within Iran, putting the mullahs' expat business interests out of business, etc." (emphasis added)

Sheesh. If we're going to be the country famed for murdering scientists and religious leaders, why on this polluted earth would we confine ourselves to Iran? And why stop with scientists and religious leaders?

Where's that list of political leaders that the neocons want to 'take out'? Somebody please tell them to hide their women and children, cuz the Empire's death squads are coming. Probably, they are already there.

Glenn Greenwald responds: "Just think about how extremist and deranged that is. We are not even at war with Iran. Congress has not declared war or authorized military force against that country. Yet Reynolds thinks that the Bush administration, unilaterally, should send people to murder Iranian scientists and religious leaders -- just pick out whichever ones we don't like and slaughter them. No charges. No trial. No accountability. Just roving death squads deployed and commanded by our Leader, slaughtering whomever he wants dead. . ." Read More