I borrowed this photo from Hamdems where you can see lots more photos of the Bush protest in Chattanooga, Tennessee.
And over at 10,000 Monkeys and a Camera, Alice has a great and quick video clip of the protest, as well as a photo.
Did you see the article in The Southern Baptist Times? The boastful headline screams that there were more Bush supporters than Bush protesters. (I must have missed the Gannett paper story about Dems outnumbering Republicans in this state.)
But buried way down deep in the SBT story we discover that among the supporters were students from Chattanooga State Technical Community College who showed up in order to get credit for a government class.
This comes as no surprise. I've talked to enough students at the local colleges to know that they get nauseating right-wing red-state political-propaganda lectures from conservative instructors on a regular basis.
As we know, Bush will get his show of supporters any way he can. With Tennessee giving Bush an approval score of 29 percent on Iraq and a score of 34 percent overall, it's still possible to bribe some people into showing up to cheer the fool on.
Big freakin' deal.
Oh, and Governor Bredesen (DINO) showed up for the Bush health care farce. Bush paid Bredesen what the Bubble Boy obviously thought to be a compliment. The Decider said, "[I'd] rather you be making these [health care] decisions than some of our brothers and sisters in Washington."
By 'some of our brothers and sisters,' Bubble Boy obviously meant what they like to call moderate Republicans. Cause ripping access to health care away from some 200,000 poor, elderly, and sick people -- like Bredesen did -- is what Bush's Radical Republicanism is all about.
Bush Politics News Tennessee Chattanooga Healthcare Bush Protest Bredesen TennCare Republicans