Friday, January 19, 2007

Pro Choice Rally in Nashville

Celebrating the 34th Anniversary of Roe v. Wade!

You are invited to join NOW, Planned Parenthood, TGW, and other activists at a Pro Choice Rally this Sunday (1-21-07) at the Capitol in downtown Nashville, at 2:30pm.

With the state senate in the hands of extremist and desperate Republicans this year, it's a good idea to get in some practice carrying signs. It's not going to be a pretty year in Tennessee.

As is their tradition, the rightwingers will bus people in for their anti-choice rally on the Capitol grounds. This year they will gather at the Sheraton Hotel at 2:00 and then march to the Capitol at 3:00pm, according to the TN Right to Life flyer.

NOW and Planned Parenthood for Middle and East Tennessee are holding a Pledge for Choice Drive. You can pledge pennies for each rightwinger who shows up and help ensure that the wingnuts help raise funds for the cause of reproductive freedom. Half the proceeds will go to the J.P. Davis Fund which provides abortion funds to women in financial distress. The remaining funds will support the important work of local NOW activists. It's not too late to make a pledge -- call NOW at 615.269.7141, or you can make a donation at the rally!

And if you're in D.C., join leaders of the reproductive freedom movement and elected officials at the U.S. Supreme Court on Monday evening, January 22, 2007, to commemorate the 34th Anniversary of Roe.

And don't forget that January 22 is Blog for Choice Day!

"Woman's discontent increases in exact proportion to her development." -- Elizabeth Cady Stanton