Saturday, January 13, 2007

Feminist Outrage, Wombless Politicos & Other Weekend Reads

Visions of The Grand Coolie Damn, or "classic he-man woman-hating bullshit" from a lefty blogger in Memphis sparks righteous outrage and more.

"Condoms don't belong in school, and neither does Al Gore."

The White House worries about the advancement of feminism. Rush Limbaugh also defends the feminist cause. Go ahead and laugh.

And then mark your calendars for a feminist gathering to die for.

My President Makes Me Want To Do Drugs. (via Dauo)

Speaker Pelosi uses her womb to compete unfairly with disadvantaged or wombless male politicos.

Mary Mancini and Newscoma are at the star-studded Media Reform Conference in Memphis. Check out their blogs for some kick-ass coverage.

A Washington Post editorial slams a barbaric Bush appointee: "[I]t's shocking -- though perhaps not surprising -- that this is the person the administration has chosen to oversee detainee policy at Guantanamo."

Atomic Scientists prepare to move the hands of the Doomsday Clock forward next week. Will impeachment turn the clock back?

A full page Impeach Bush ad ran bravely in yesterday's New York Times.

"Throughout the “Decider’s” reign, inconsistency, dishonesty and irrationality are the only notions held in common throughout this administration, and the cronies therein."

A Republican Congressman introduces a resolution requiring Bush "to receive congressional authorization to use military force against Iran."

How to Perfectly Implement Orwell's Two Minute Hate.

Twenty-seven states — including California, New York, Illinois and Ohio — "require electronic voting machines to produce a voter-verified paper trail. There is paper-trail legislation pending in a dozen more states."

Disney defends laughing at the idea of "shooting a black man between the eyes and torturing him by attaching electrodes to his testicles" and Walt Disney rolls over in his grave.

"Liberals are often very 'conservative' people in their personal lives whereas conservatives talk good morals but are often degenerate and repugnant in the conduct of their personal business."