Saturday, June 17, 2006

Who's Calling Whom Godless?

Both of my neighborhood grocery stores - Krogers in Nashville, at Eastland and Inglewood - carry Coulter's venomous new book. For some reason, neither store carries Al Gore's new book.

Now why is that?

Venomous Ann Coulter has "'joked' about killing .. people, including Arabs, Muslims, and U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, and suggested that blowing up The New York Times building might be a good idea, especially if the reporters and editors were still inside."

More recently, toxic Coulter suggests that John Murtha should be murdered.

Think Progress:
In an interview with a right-wing website, Ann Coulter said that Rep. John Murtha (D-PA) is “the reason soldiers invented ‘fragging.’

Fragging is a term “most commonly meaning to assassinate an unpopular member of one’s own fighting unit by dropping a fragmentation grenade into the victim’s tent at night.” Meanwhile, Coulter’s media blitz continues.

And to think, David Letterman only called her a bitch.

My thanks to the venerable General for the Creepy Coulter Graphic.

Previous TGW Post: Ann Coulter As GOP Recruiter on Tonight Show