Members of the National Woman's Party picket the Republican Convention of 1920, in Chicago. The women of the NWP accused Republicans of blocking ratification of the suffrage amendment. Delegates from the NWP tried to persuade Republicans to include a suffrage plank in their platform, but the stubborn GOP refused.
It's true that the Dems weren't all that great either, but both parties improved dramatically after the women of the National Woman's Party raised a little hell!
The women, from left to right: Abby Scott Baker, Florence Taylor Marsh, Sue White of Tennessee, Elsie Hill, Betty Gram.
"Women stand today on the ground won by women of yesterday. We must win a higher and wider field for women. It is a debt we owe."-- Sue Shelton White,
1887-1943, Henderson, Tennessee
Sue Shelton White Women's Rights National Woman's Party Tennessee Feminism Herstory Misogyny GOP Republicans