The White House is desperately seeking all photos of Bushie and Abramoff. The fear is that said photos might actually demonstrate that Bushie and Jack Abramoff travel in the same Republican Circles of Corruption. It's not clear what the Bushies intend to do with any and all photos capturing Bushie and Jack Abramoff in the same general vicinity. Offer a reward? Send the evidence down the memory hole?
Whatever their intent, we're sure the Bushies will get some help from the left side of the blogosphere. If you should find some genuine photos, please send them here.
And while the newest White House talking point is, Jack Who?, the AP reports that "GOP fundraiser Jack Abramoff and his lobbying team logged nearly 200 contacts" with the Bush Administration in its first ten months.
Bush Abramoff Bush and Abramoff Memory Hole Republican Corruption