Bushie has finally accepted the fact that no matter how much he pouts or shouts, there will indeed be Congressional hearings on his Spying On America program.
Now Bushie says the hearings will be "good for democracy."
But Captain Bush has one caveat.
"There will be a lot of hearings and talk about that, but that's good for democracy. Just so long as the hearings, as they explore whether or not I have the prerogative to make the decision I made, doesn't tell the enemy what we're doing. See, that's the danger."
Bushie warned that rhetoric can embolden our enemies. He meant to say that Howard Dean should just shut up.
But surprise, surprise, an Ap-Ipsos poll finds that most Americans want Captain Bush to get a warrant before he eavesdrops on them. Interestingly, the poll finds that most Republicans don't care all that much for constitutional rights or even privacy. "Almost three-fourths of Democrats and one-third of Republicans want to require court warrants."
Now we understand why they selected Captain Bush.
But Hispanic voters do care about constitutional rights. A new poll among Hispanics finds precious little support for the Republican side of Congress. According to the poll, Democrats have "a stunning 61-21 lead over the GOP among Hispanic registered voters." ( via Donkey Rising)
Bush Snoopgate Eavesdropping Captain Bush Bush Rides a Bike