Tuesday, December 06, 2005

George Speaks to the Common People

Speaking in front of an Orwellian backdrop of apparently blue collar workers, carefully dressed in matching gray work shirts, Bush argues for tax breaks for his affluent buddies, cuz the economy is doing a heck of a job, don't you know?

If the Boy King gets his way, his family and friends will be dancing for joy over tax cut extensions that will cost the nation "$20.6 billion over five years" or "$50.8 billion over 10 years."

But George forgot to mention to his cheering common people backdrop that, if all goes as planned, ordinary people will be out of luck after Republicans make deep cuts to food stamps, Medicaid, child support enforcement, etcetera.

The Bubble-Boy King also forgot to say that thanks to his politics of selfishness, "Poverty is up in the nation, inflation outstripped wage growth during a recent 12-month period and median household income has declined for five straight years."

If Dubya had actually said that he was determined to look after his rich buddies and stab working class folks in the back, we're sure his common people backdrop would have applauded wildly, cuz we're very sure they were paid to be there. And we hope there were extra bonuses for being Black and/or female.

Or, perhaps they were merely told to show up with smiling faces and matching shirts, or be fired.