The 'Delay Effect,' also known as the 'Arrogant & Nasty Crooked A**hole Effect,' has been discovered by Republicans in recent internal polling. The 'Tom Delay Effect' "appears to give 'any Democrat' on the ballot question an average of 10 percentage points against the incumbent."
Republicans are justifiably alarmed.
In one such district, Tom DeLay has name identification over 75% and more than half of those respondents view him unfavorably. These data swim against the conventional wisdom among Republican strategists in Washington, which heretofore had held that the DeLay problems were little more than “inside baseball” and would have little impact out there in the hinterlands.
And what’s the number one reason why Independents who were polled react negatively to Tom DeLay? “The culture of corruption”: Nancy Pelosi’s shopworn phrase.
Hat tip to Taegan Goddard
Delay Culture of Corruption Tom Delay Indictment