Thursday, September 22, 2005

Bush's Category 5 Political Storm

Rightwing wacko, newsmaker, and columnist, Robert Novak issues a warning to Bush: Wealthy Republicans - the only kind Bush cares about - are jumping ship.

For two full days, George W. Bush was bashed. He was taken to task on his handling of stem cell research, population control, the Iraq war and, especially, Hurricane Katrina. The critics were no left-wing bloggers. They were rich, mainly Republican and presumably Bush voters in the last two presidential elections.

The Bush-bashing occurred last weekend at the annual Aspen conference sponsored by the New York investment firm Forstmann Little & Co.

....Longtime participants in Forstmann Little conferences...told me they had not experienced such hostility against a Republican president at previous events. Yet, they were sure a majority of the guests had voted for Bush.

Yet another reason for Bush to be drinking again!

Hat tip to Political Animal