Thursday, September 08, 2005

Ahnald to Veto Same-Sex Marriage Bill

Schwarzenegger's office announced Wednesday that the Republican Governor will veto the historic same-sex marriage legislation which was passed Tuesday night.

As if to warm up for the deed, Schwarzenegger got some practice in by vetoing another gay rights bill.

Schwarzenegger thinks the issue should be decided in the courts or at the ballot box, not by the state legislature. So, when courts rule in favor of same-sex marriage, Republicans insist it is a matter for the legislature. When legislatures endorse gay marriage, the flip-floppers charge it is a matter best left to activist judges.

Any excuse will do when your obvious agenda is to woo the vote of bigots. But then, the bigots' vote may be the only vote Ahnald has a chance of getting in 2006.

The Governor is so unpopular now that a Democrat with almost no name recognition could beat him if the election was held today. Here is one more of a multitude of reasons to send Ahnald packing and elect a Democrat in 2006.

See Blue State Grumblings and Loving differently should not preclude being allowed to love fully.