Saturday, August 06, 2005

Bloggers Blast Bush: It Ain't Pretty

Bloggers are crafting some really fine analysis of the worst president ever:

At Shakespeare's Sister (by Paul the Spud) - Takes one to know one . . . Your ideology is contrary to everything America should stand for. You have made it your mission, since stealing your way into the Presidency, to fuck the poor, coddle the rich, hinder the freedom of speech, disenfranchise voters, cripple and cow the media, destroy the environment, blacken our reputation throughout the world, make enemies of friends, break the law, slaughter innocents, send over 1800 Americans to their deaths on a lie, and cause your citizens to live in a constant state of fear. You, Mister Bush, are the terrorist.

Tom Burka (via Rox Populi) - Bush To Determine Scentific Curriculum Of American Schools Based On His Own Experiments Bush was also skeptical about what he called "the notion of gravity." "I'm uncomfortable with teaching our children that bodies are attracted to each other," he said. "That seems like an unwholesome idea to put into children's heads, don't it?" He speculated that objects fall to the ground because "God wants them to." . . . " If George Bush is for teaching intelligent design in schools," said Professor and biologist Byron Glick, "it proves that there isn't any."

D.E.D. Space - This White House holds us all in contempt, but especially women . . . If you are paying attention (and that excludes a very significant group of Americans), it is getting harder each day to keep your head from exploding. The "values" resident who promised to restore dignity to the White House has either appointed to office or is thick as thieves (no metaphor really required) with everyone from an alleged rapist to traitors, liars, conspirators, and human rights violators to people who wish to blow up and destroy America.

Blondesense - death takes no holiday . . . More young people died in Iraq today, while President Bush said, "Make no mistake, we are at war." We are not at war. We are in the perpetual election cycle. This war like Vietnam is about controlling the domestic agenda and winning elections. It is about cracking down on dissenters and being tougher than the other party. Where are those terror alerts? No need, the second term is secured.

The Heretik - YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO THE GRAND RE-OPENING OF THE WAR ON TERROR . . . President Bush publicly overruled some of his top advisers on Wednesday in a debate about what to call the conflict with Islamic extremists, saying, "Make no mistake about it, we are at war." . . . The Heretik is heartened to know that Bush took time out from clearing brush to clear up where we are. We are at war on terror while he is on vacation.