Sunday, November 04, 2012

Feds to Monitor Nashville Polls

This makes me feel somewhat better, though clearly more Feds would be better:   

The Tennessean:

U.S. Justice Department officials will monitor the polls in Nashville during Tuesday’s election, the department announced Friday.. A Justice Department news release didn’t say specifically why Nashville was chosen. Davidson County Election Administrator Albert Tieche said it was related to the training poll workers received last month — first reported by The Tennessean — on how to challenge the voting rights of people they believe may not be U.S. citizens... 

The Justice Department said in its release: “The observers and department personnel will gather information on, among other things, whether voters are subject to different voting qualifications or procedures on the basis of race, color, or membership in a language minority group; whether jurisdictions are complying with the minority language provisions of the Voting Rights Act; whether jurisdictions permit voters to receive assistance by a person of his or her choice if the voter is blind, has a disability, or is unable to read or write; whether jurisdictions allow voters with disabilities to cast a private and independent ballot; whether jurisdictions comply with the voter registration list requirements of the National Voter Registration Act; and whether jurisdictions comply with the provisional ballot requirements of the Help America Vote Act.”