BP, the oil company taking flak for its inconsistent response to the massive oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico, bused in 400 extra cleanup workers to Grand Isle during President Obama’s visit today, Jefferson Parish Council Chairman John Young said.
“It appears to have been a PR stunt by BP, not to say we don’t appreciate the extra participation,” Young said. “We certainly need them, but we don’t need them for just one day that happens to coincide with a visit from the president.” After Obama’s departure, Young said, the work crews all but vanished. “This is a total shame that a mockery has been made of this visit by the executives of BP,” Councilman Chris Roberts said.

The clean up crew arrived early in the morning on the day of Obama's visit and disappeared shortly after Obama left. Reportedly, the largest number of BP workers spotted cleaning the beaches on Grande Isle before the President's visit was 12 to 20. The temp workers were dressed in uniforms of red or blue shirts and nice clean white pants. Watch BP's temp workers clean up the beaches for the President's visit in the video clip below.
Sham Workers? BP Bussed In Clean Up Crews For President Obama’s Gulf Visit
Politics BP News Obama