Obama didn't say anything about abortion during his health care reform press conference last week. But when Katie Couric asked him if he would support federally subsidized insurance plans that cover abortion, Obama said he would fight to the death for women's rights!
Just kidding. The Fierce Advocate said:
"As you know, I'm pro-choice. But I think we also have the tradition of, in this town, historically, of not financing abortions as part of government-funded healthcare."
In other words, I'm all for your rights, but I won't lift a finger for you. Who knew the first African-American president would make the case for honoring tradition? Conservative Democrats must be happy. The DINOS have "vowed not to vote for any bill that doesn't include explicit language banning the use of federal funds for abortion."
The new NOW president, Terry O'Neill has the cause on her agenda:
Build the feminist case for single-payer health care, including coverage for the full range of women's reproductive services, so that every woman and girl, no matter her race or immigration status, has access to the health care that is her human right.
Sounds good, but it's going to take a lot more than sending out e-mails. Let me repeat, we have a Democratic president, a Democratic House and a Democratic senate, but women aren't going to win this one.
I believe candidate Obama addressed this last year when he said: where are they going to go?
Patriarchy Politics Feminist News Gender Abortion Reproductive Rights Health Care Obama Democrats