Friday, July 03, 2009

Breaking: Governor Sarah Palin Will Resign!

Update: CNN has changed the story. Now they are reporting that Governor Sarah Palin is about to resign!

Update #2: Gov. Sarah Palin announced that she will resign her office in a few weeks. This appears to rule out the possibility of her running for president. I mean quitting your job as governor is not exactly the usual route to the White House. Yeah, I know, there is nothing usual about Sarah Palin. I wonder if something else is behind this decision. Scandal coming? Or problems in the family that she would prefer to keep private? No doubt she's sick and tired of the relentless misogyny and vulture media attacks on her family -- the tried and true method of keeping women out of politics.

CNN is reporting, as I write, that Sarah Palin will announce today that she will Not run for a second term as Alaska's governor.

It sounds like the Governor is planning to give the GOP dull boyz some competition for the 2012 nomination. That's assuming there are any GOP boyz left standing free from the stigma of a sex scandal by 2012.

I don't know how Sarah Palin can take the tsunami of misogyny that is surely coming, but if anyone can, she can.