While straight white men worry that Obama will fail to continue the tradition of stacking the Supreme Court with men, yet another lesbian surfaces in the field of eminently qualified women.
Within hours of word of Souter's departure, the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund was hailing the candidacy of a First Amendment scholar and former dean of Stanford Law School, Kathleen Sullivan. "Out lesbian a contender for Supreme Court," one of the group's web sites declared.
Another Stanford law professor on the "frequently mentioned" lists, Pam Karlan, has been open about being a lesbian, colleagues and former students say. . . As for the possibility she'd be nominated, Karlan said, "Given the landscape, I'm flattered, but not fooled, by having my name tossed around." . . . Obama has made about three dozen appointments of openly gay or lesbian people below the Cabinet level, according to Dison, including Nancy Sutley, head of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, and John Berry, director of the Office of Personnel Management.
TGW: Obama, Pick the Lesbian Law Professor for Supreme Court Justice!
Feminist Politics Gender LGBT Supreme Court News David Souter SCOTUS Gay Equal Representation