And I thought making Clarence Thomas' worst nightmare come true by replacing Souter with Anita Hill was a good idea. But Kathleen Sullivan -- a High Court Justice who is also a lesbian -- would surely drive Antonio Scalia beyond the brink!
Justice Homophobe might be forced to consider an early retirement. Then Scalia's shadow, Clarence Thomas could follow Justice Homophobe's example. Sweet!
Supreme Court justice David Souter, who will be retiring at the end of the court’s term, may be replaced by out lesbian Kathleen Sullivan, according to GayPolitics.com. Sullivan, a professor at the Stanford Law School who served as dean of the school from 1999 to 2004, founded and currently acts as director of the Stanford Constitutional Law Center.
She has also been involved in some of the most historically prominent LGBT-related court cases, including Bowers v. Hardwick and Lawrence v. Texas. Sullivan, the first female dean of any school at Stanford, has been a strong proponent of privacy issues, including abortion and gay rights. She studied at Cornell University, Oxford, where she was a Marshall Scholar, and earned her J.D. at Harvard Law School in 1981. Fellow lawyer Susan Estrich told The Harvard Law Review of her first exposure to young powerhouse Sullivan. "I turned to my research assistant and said, ‘Who the hell is Kathleen Sullivan?’ I vowed never to be on the other side of this woman again. And I haven’t been. And I won’t be."
[T]he legendary Professor Lawrence Tribe called her the most extraordinary student he ever had. . She is perhaps the best intellectually qualified person to replace Justice Souter. Her work . . reveals a mind able to grasp and explain the interplay between technology, social change, and The Constitution. Kathleen Sullivan is the perfect choice and the fact that she's lesbian should not be an issue for anyone.
Feminist Politics Gender LGBT Supreme Court News David Souter SCOTUS Kathleen Sullivan Equal Representation