Susan Roesgen -- the CNN reporter who waded smack into the middle of an angry Tea Party and proceeded to challenge a man with a sign portraying Obama as Hitler and then pronounced the crowd to be "anti CNN" and "not really family viewing" -- is now on vacation.
CNN says this is a previously planned vacation, but no one believes that.
Meanwhile TVNewser reports that Susan Roesgen's admittedly opinionated coverage was somewhat influenced by the shouts of "Damn CNN" and "Shut up, bitch." that the woman was subjected to while surrounded by the angry men. Not to mention the slew of beyond-the-pale signs, such as: "American Taxpayers are the Jews for Obama's Ovens" (see photos & video).
Contrast opinionated Susan Roesgen with opinionated Keith Olbermann. Olbermann will disagree with anyone as long as she is NOT in the same room with him. Seriously, can you imagine Olbermann wading into one of these parties? To be fair to Keith, I wouldn't go there either. More to the point, can you imagine Olbermann inviting anyone whom he disagrees with on to his show? The one and only time I saw Keith do that, he waited until the woman was gone and then lunged with a cowardly attack.
The Susan Roesgen Show opposite Keith Olbermann's Countdown - CNN could bill it as: Ovaries vs. Balls!
Below is Jon Stewart's hilarious spot-on coverage of the cable news coverage of the Tea Parties and of the surreal reversal of the Left and the Right . . . Everything the Right hated, they now embrace . . . In the new world order, Fox News is the network of the People's Revolution! Heh. And what does it say about our media when the best analysis is found on the Comedy Channel?
Media Gender Politics Fox News Tea Parties Jon Stewart News Media CNN MSNBC