"Welcome to change you cannot believe in." -- Keith Olbermann
"The bush people are bringing out their mission accomplished sign." -- Jonathan Turley
When Glenn Greenwald and Keith Olbermann agree about the "new and worse secrecy and immunity claims from the Obama DOJ," it might be time to worry.
Glenn Greenwald: “In other words, beyond even the outrageously broad ‘state secrets’ privilege invented by the Bush administration and now embraced fully by the Obama administration, the Obama DOJ has now invented a brand new claim of government immunity, one which literally asserts that the U.S. Government is free to intercept all of your communications (calls, emails and the like) and — even if what they’re doing is blatantly illegal and they know it’s illegal — you are barred from suing them unless they ‘willfully disclose’ to the public what they have learned.”
. . Even for those most cynical about what Obama was likely to do or not do in the civil liberties realm, reading this brief from the Obama DOJ is so striking -- and more than a little depressing -- given how indistinguishable it is from everything that poured out of the Bush DOJ regarding secrecy powers in order to evade all legal accountability. . . read more . .
Olbermann Bush Top Secret Politics News Warrantless Wiretapping Barack Obama NSA U.S. Constitution