Yeah, HBO is making a movie about the 2008 election. Those of us who were appalled by the misogyny probably won't like the movie any better. Let's see, in one corner we'll have Camelot's proud and noble heroes.
In the other corner we'll have that ball-busting witch Morgan Le Fay and her sidekick the sexy dumb broad from Alaska.
The film will be based on a book to be written by political writers Mark Halperin and John Heilemann: Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime.
Oh lookee -- diversity: a liberal white male and a conservative white male! To round out the boyz view, Blood Diamond screenwriter Charles Leavitt will pen the screenplay.
Liberal Heilmann writes for the New York Magazine. One of the more memorable sexist lines from Heilmann's decidedly patriarchal gaze on the campaign was the one tagging Hillary Rodham Clinton as: "Napoleon in a navy pantsuit and gumball-size fake pearls."
TIME magazine's conservative Mark Halperin easily said more than a thousand words about Hillary that were equally as offensive. (If you have examples of the men's views of Sarah Palin, please leave them in the comments.)
Goddess only knows who they will come up with to play Hillary and Sarah. Let's see, we need an ambitious ball-buster and an ambitious dumb broad. Tracy Flick and Tracy Flick. Ideas? Drop your ideas for leading ladies in the comments and I'll post them in a poll.
Feminist Politics Misogyny 2008 News Gender Sexism 2008 Campaign Hillary Clinton Sarah Palin President Obama